2013-07-09 MEXICO

We have been the future, we will be the past, but today?, we are the present !

The 2nd Provincial Assembly of  Marist Youth was held from 31 May to 2 June in Querétaro. It had as motto : « With the young, we look towards new horizons ». Marist youth from eight school establishments came together to share about their local situation, life in their establishments and challenges they have to face at the present time. The close of the first day was very interesting : around the same colourful table, each town contributed a detail which was explained and then distributed in the form of bread, cake, postcard, bracelet…

Omar Iván Chacón, a teacher, animated reflection about the « Montagnes » of today. At the end of this session, each youth wrote on a piece of paper the name of a child or young person he would pray for especially.

Br Justino Gómez led reflection on the current situation of our country ; this time helped the participants to appreciate the riches and the projects of Mexico, as well as the challenges it is important not to lose sight of as Marist youth.

The work in small groups was considered very enriching, especially the sharing rising from these three questions :

How do the Marist youth of the Province of « México Central » ‘make the difference’ in the reality which is theirs ?

What commitments can we make before the realities we discover where we are carrying out concrete actions of solidarity ?

What steps can the Marist Province of « México Central » take in view of the construction of a world more just and more worthy for all ?

The youth made use of a song to express a message which invites us to turn our eyes towards them : « We have been the future, we will be the past, but today…, we are the present ! »

At the end of the Assembly, each of the young participants wrote down his « dreams » on a piece of paper which he attached to a balloon. Gathered in one of the gardens, we were able to express our  « dreams » and, altogether, launch our balloons into the sky as a gesture of prayer and thanksgiving for the discoveries made in the course of the Year of Youth in the Province.

Br Justino Gómez Pedraza, in the name of Br Ricardo Reynoso, Provincial, and his Council, sent the delegates who will take part in the International Marist Youth Assembly, the Marist Missionary Week and the World Youth Day, which will take place in Brasil in July, and invited them to learn, share, pay attention and be the spokespersons for the children, adolescents and young people.


Carlos Ulises Centeno López –Co-ordinator of Youth Ministry

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