2012-11-16 EL SALVADOR

We journey together towards a new Emmaus

The IX Meeting of the Fraternities of « América Central » was held in El Salvador from 26 to 28 October, with the participation of 144 members of the Fraternities from Guatemala,  Nicaragua,  Costa Rica, Porto Rico and El Salvador.

The subject dealt with was the Mission of the Marist Laity, taking as model of growth the account of the disciples of Emmaus. Br Hipólito attempted to clarify the meaning of the   mission and the apostolate on the basis of the following of Jesus. Then Nohemy Pinto, Mario Trejo and Ricardo Granada guided the reflection from three different and complementary perspectives: the Marist charism, Marial spirituality and fraternal life in the   Champagnat way. Finally, Br Balbino presented the project of evaluation and updating of the Movement. The participants shared their journey in groups called  ‘faith communities’.

The experience had the benefit of the constant accompaniment of the National Team of the  Fraternities of El Salvador. During the closing Mass, several participants expressed their thanks for the organisation, the presence of the brothers, and the climate of fraternity and witness everyone had experienced.

Br. Balbino Juárez


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