We made our roadway, as we walk
For five days, the coordinators of the lay commissions of the Americas met in Quito. The eleven provinces of the continent attended the meeting. The initiative of the meeting, as well as its animation was carried out by the Lay Subcommittee.
The meeting was framed in the sharing of the good practices on the major themes reflected in the recent meeting held at L’Hermitage; they were inspired by the vision of the future that will be present in the next General Chapter, as well; the beginning of the third centenary of the Institute inspired also our reflection.
We became aware of the following points: of the way already done on the vocational processes for the laity; of the experiences of communion lived on the way; of the meaningful steps already taken for an effective lay animation in the provinces; of the strength of the Champagnat Movement on the continent.
Hope was highlighted and some other points : the joy of being Marist; the joy of experiencing internationality and the challenge of moving forward, introducing new experiences, overcoming fears and opening up to the new.