2017-08-19 ITALY

Who are the unaccompanied minors?

Following the invitation of the Superior General of the Marist Brothers, Br. Emili Turú, in the letter "The Dance of the Mission", new international communities were formed with the aim of giving a Marist response to the new challenges that, 200 years after the foundation of the institute, are faced to the Marists of Champagnat. So was created the Project Lavalla200>

As result of this project, in October 2016, the Marist Community of Syracuse was established, focused mainly on refugee / immigrant children and adolescents who land unaccompanied in Italy.

A community’s first video was presented in February. In a second video, the Marists of Siracusa presented the factual reality of the apostolate developed by them.

The video is captioned. To choose your language, use the setup button (details) in the lower part of the video frame.

Who are the unaccompanied minors? For what reasons do they leave their countries? What are the countries of origin from where they depart? From some data, reports of people that work in partnership with the Marists in Syracuse and also reports of some of the boys and girls, we tried to contextualize in order to present what is the social problem faced there.

The Marist Community of Siracusa, belonging to the Project Lavalla200>, is formed by Gabriel Bernardo da Silva (Brasil Centro-Sul), Br Onorino Rota (Mediterránea), Mario Araya Olguín (Santa María de los Andes) and Br Riccardo Gómez Rincón (Norandina).


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