2010-04-29 SPAIN

With Mary, go in haste to a new land!

Some members of the Fraternity of Grenada (Spain) had a wonderful experience during Holy Week. The participants numbered 17 : 9 adults and 8 children, among them, Jandro and family, Alfredo and family, José Diego and family, Adela Miravent and a few others of the Fraternity who took part only a few days. Two Brothers were also of the party: Stefano and Fernando. The participants lived in a large house hired for the whole week; this was their temporary lodging. But as this was not sufficient, certain ones had to be put up in other houses, placed at their disposal by the people of the parish. The two Brothers stayed at the presbytery.

The place where the experience took place was called Láchar, situated near the Grenada airport. That is where those taking part spent Holy Week. They collaborated with the priest in preparing the celebration of the Paschal Triduum and made contact with the people of the parish. They also joined the village children and organized games with them in one of the squares. The number of children went on growing from the first day; good work was achieved from the game and the contacts. The relations established with the parishioners were excellent, as was the welcome received. They hope to see us again next year.

The experience was an interesting one for several reasons: « the parish priest was very happy with us, and we with him», said one of the participants. Good work was done with the children of the Fraternity, from the point of view of prayer adapted to their level. The reference point was the experience that Alfredo, José Diego, Stefano and some parents are developing in the school of Grenada as a project of initiation in prayer. The criteria used by the school project were applied to the 8 children of the group. It was a very beautiful experience which contributed to creating strong and close bonds among the participants.

Some time of the last day was spent in making an evaluation of the experience: all were very happy with it. At the close of the day, we welcomed the other members of the « Hermano Servando » Fraternity ? this is the name of the Grenada fraternity. « I believe this is a first step towards other dreams we have in mind », confirmed one of the participants.

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