2009-04-16 GENERAL HOUSE

XXI General Chapter

In response to the proposal made by the Preparatory Commission for the XXI General Chapter about the duration of the latter (from 8 September to 10 October), the capitulants have expressed their opinions in a forum and by replying to a survey which lasted from the 4th to the 21st of March.

In general, the opinions are favourable to this proposition; out of 69 voters, 62 are for, 2 against, 5 have no opinion on the subject. The reasons given for supporting the proposed length agree on one point : a month of work in a large and heterogeneous group allows a harvesting of good fruit by going to the essentials. The fact of having a fixed date of closure helps discipline oneself to go straight for the goal.

Every Chapter is a work of discernment, an opportunity for renewal, a time for receiving graces ; it will be necessary, in fact, to foresee the main lines of action which will mark our path for the next eight years, capable of renewing the enthusiasm of our consecration. There it is necessary to give oneself time to study these subjects in depth, for there are some very important ones.

Some affirm likewise that they are not starting from « zero » in coming to the Chapter: there have already been many regional meetings, the exchange by means of the web page of the Chapter is acknowledged to be very rich, and there are also the communications which are being continually received.

There exists also the concern of not being hustled by the time, which could lead to the taking of precipitate decisions. To avoid this danger, it is suggested that we do not spend too much time on questions of organization, of regulations, etc., which may be studied previously. If in acting in this way, there still remain some important questions to deal with, some are of the opinion that, in the extreme case, the Chapter could be prolonged, and indeed consider a second session. The fact of not knowing the work plan suggested has been an obstacle to voting in good earnest on the date for the end of the Chapter?s work. The definitive decision on this subject will be taken at the last moment, when the capitulants are gathered in the chapter hall.

Preparatory Commission


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