2021-05-16 BRAZIL

Young people from the MYM of Brasil Sul-Amazônia take part in the formation of leaders

Around 70 young people from the Marist Youth Ministry (MYM) of the Province of Brasil Sul-Amazônia took part, on the 8th May, in the first virtual meeting of the Cambia Project, which aims to promote leadership with a pedagogical-pastoral identity in the different areas of Marist action, as well as to promote spaces for the participation of adolescents and young people.

The context of the pandemic, which only allows activities to be carried out remotely, provided an opportunity to extend the project’s activities to all the Youth Ministry groups in the province.

The initiative, which began in 2017, is evaluated and revitalised every year, maintaining its central objective of contributing directly to the integral formation of each participant. In 2021 it will take place during the month of May and is structured to take place in three stages based on the following themes:

– 1st stage: identity and change

– 2nd stage: youth and diversity

– 3rd stage: commitment and leadership

For the MYM coordinator of the Province, José Jair Ribeiro, this extension is very positive. “The more adolescents and young people are reached by the project, the more the Youth Ministry will be strengthened because the participants will be more empowered”.

The Marist Youth Ministry is an organisation of young people in the Marist units of the Province that promotes the integral development of the person, the formation of leadership, socialisation, the construction of a critical conscience, the experience of Christian spirituality and the Marist charism. In the Province of Brasil Sul-Amazônia there are 27 Youth Ministry groups.


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