2021-01-07 UNITED STATES

Young people in initial training from the Arco Norte Region

As part of the initiative “Get to know the young people of the Arco Norte Region” Brother Albert Rivera (United States), member of the Regional Committee, presented the directories of the postulants (12) and the novices (8), which together with the directory of the scholastics (24) make up a total of 44 young people who are discerning their Marist vocation as consecrated men, in the 3 stages of initial formation.

In the directories a photograph and a brief personal presentation are published, where each young person mentions who he is and where he comes from, how he came to know the Marist Brothers. And what inspired him to consider religious life?

In presenting the directories of postulants and novices, Brother Al Rivera said: “As Marists of Champagnat, we thank God and celebrate that there are young people responding to his call to be brothers. It is with great joy that I share this information so that all of us, as a global family, can support these young people, with our prayers”.

The Arco Norte region is made up of the provinces of Canada, the United States, Central Mexico, Western Mexico, Central America and Norandina.

Download the directories:

Scholastics : (English |Español | Français)

Novices : (English | Español | Français)

Applicants : (English | Español | Français)


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