Livres reçus – 2018

Derniers livres reçus | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005

Now, With Enthusiasm
Charism, God’s Mission and Catholic Schools Today

Auteur: Michael Green, fms
Australie – Brisbane – 13/09/2018

Br. Michael Green is alert to such questions and responds to them here with confidence and creativity. The book is both sharp and dense in the way it addresses the connection between charism, spirituality and culture. It offers a sophisticated treatment of the way in which a crisis of identity is also a crisis of purpose and meaning. It sets a biblical and historical context for typically contemporary reflections. It is theologically very solid but accessible nonetheless. This is all to say that Michael Green, himself a product and promoter of Marist spirituality and the great tradition of Marist education that has emerged from it, has written a book which is nothing if not timely. In drawing together themes both old and new, it will surely help shed light on our path as we grapple with the large and complex questions prompted by the changing contexts we face in the schools and in the Church

Inséré dans le site: 14/09/2018


Illustrated History of Notre Dame de l’Hermitage

Auteur: Barry Lamb, FMS
Australie – Heidelberg West – 08/2018 – 312 pp.

Barry is well known for his creativity and energy and so it isn’t unusual that he would propose research into the place that has been so central to our Marist story. Over time he fixed on the idea of a popular, rather than a scholarly history, and decided that images and photos can convey simply and easily the richness of a long history. Hence the ‘illustrated history’. Barry’s undertaking took him initially to our Province Archives, and then further afield – to Rome and France, where he scoured the archives of the Institute and Province, and of course, also to the Hermitage itself. He collected enormous resources: photos, documents, artefacts, images. Categorising, ordering and organising followed. Then came the task of knitting the pieces together with a narrative. His considerable labour concluded with the publication of the book earlier this month. It is A4 in page size, 312 pages in length, with 34 Chapters.

Inséré dans le site: 21/08/2018


MemĂłrias do BicentenĂĄrio
Iniciativas desenvolvidas no Brasil Marista entre 2014 e 2017, para celebrar o bicentenĂĄrio do Instituto Marista

BrĂ©sil – 01/08/2018

As comemoraçÔes dos 200 anos de existĂȘncia do Instituto Marista agora estĂŁo eternizadas no livro MemĂłrias do BicentenĂĄrio, que foi lançado, nesta quarta-feira (15), Dia do Marista, pelas provĂ­ncias que compĂ”em o Brasil Marista – ProvĂ­ncia Marista Brasil Centro-Norte (PMBCN), ProvĂ­ncia Marista Brasil Centro-Sul (PMBCS – Grupo Marista) e ProvĂ­ncia Marista Brasil Sul-AmazĂŽnia (PMBSA – Rede Marista), alĂ©m da UniĂŁo Marista do Brasil.
TĂ©lĂ©charger PDF – 9 MB

Inséré dans le site: 16/08/2018


Henri VergĂšs
El sembrador y su cosecha

Auteur: Carlos Fariello Gamarra
Uruguay – 04/2018 – 109 pp.

Esta es la historia acerca del compromiso y de la entrega de un hombre llamado por Dios para hacer viva su palabra entre otros hombres, en un lugar y en un tiempo muy particular. El Hermano Henri VergĂšs fue un cirstiano al que le tocĂł la misiĂłn de compartir su experiencia vital en un paĂ­s de mayorĂ­a musulmana en el cual fue capaz de entablar un diĂĄlogo fermental para el futuro e convocar a hacer realidad la sĂ­ntesis entre dos confesiones.

Inséré dans le site: 03/05/2018


Dawn of the Word
In Silence – The Adventure of the Marist Brothers in China

Auteur: Ardiano Caballero and Spes Stanley Ku
Maison d’Ă©dition: New City
Philippines – 232 pp.

The book retraces the mission of the Marist Brothers in China. The first Brothers who made imprints on the soil of China in 1891, went “to make Jesus known and loved”. The mission in China was an interplay of challenges and triumphs. Set against the backdrop of China’s tumultuous political situation, the Marist Brothers not only rolled up their sleeves to work; they also shed both their tears and their blood. Their fidelity accentuates the incalculable value of the Gospel, which they were ready to live and die for.

Inséré dans le site: 22/03/2018


Un nuevo comienzo
Espiritualidad renovada para el s. XXI

Auteur: H. Emili TurĂș y JosĂ© Manuel Vidal
Maison d’Ă©dition: Ediciones Khaf
Espagne – Madrid – 2018

En 2017, los Maristas han celebrado el bicentenario de su fundaciĂłn. Una celebraciĂłn que se ha distribuido a lo largo de tres años. Para motivar cada uno de estos años, el H. Emili TurĂș, como superior general, escribiĂł una serie de cartas a los Maristas de Champagnat.
José Manuel Vidal, el encargado de la segunda parte del libro, escrita desde un contexto social y eclesial determinado, y pensando en algunos grupos de personas en particular, nos ayuda a poner nombres y rastros concretos a las mil situaciones que nos encontramos en el día a día, y a dejarnos cuestionar por ellas.

Inséré dans le site: 09/03/2018


Gathered around the same table
the vocation of Champagnat’s Marist Laity

Auteur: Marist Brothers
Liban – 2018

Inséré dans le site: 09/03/2018


Marcellin Champagnat, the shepherd of youth

Auteur: ThérÚse Khalifé
Liban – 2018

Inséré dans le site: 09/03/2018


The world of Marcellin Champagnat

Auteur: Marist Brothers
Liban – 2018

Inséré dans le site: 09/03/2018


A letter on Marist upbringing
a project for our current days

Auteur: Marist Brothers
Liban – 2018

Inséré dans le site: 09/03/2018