2019-08-07 ANGOLA

Belmiro Schmidt

O Irmão Inacio Nestor Etges, Provincial da Província Marista do Rio Grande do Sul, e o Ir. Kevin Louis Walton (Joseph), Provincial da Província Marista da África Austral, com pesar comunicam o falecimento do IRMÃO BELMIRO SCHMIDT, ocorrido hoje, 10 de outubro de 2015, às 11h40min (horário de Brasília), na estrada entre Kuito-Bié e N’dalatando, vítima de acidente de trânsito. O Irmão tinha 76 anos de idade e 56 de Vida Religiosa Marista. O velório está sendo realizado na cidade do Kuito-Bié, onde amanhã haverá missa de corpo presente, seguida de sepultamento.


Nascimento: 4 de dezembro de 1938, em Santa Rosa – RS
Juvenato: 14 de fevereiro de 1952, em Bom Princípio – RS
Postulado: 1º de agosto de 1958, em Passo Fundo – RS
Noviciado: 2 de fevereiro de 1959, em Passo Fundo – RS
Primeira Profissão: 2 de fevereiro de 1960, em Passo Fundo – RS
Votos Perpétuos: 6 de janeiro de 1965, em Getúlio Vargas – RS

Provincia Southern Africa

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The Provincial Superior of the Province of Southern Africa, Brother Joe Walton, and the Community of Kuito-Bié in Angola announce the sad news of the death of Brother Belmiro Schmidt to all the communities of the Province, relatives and friends, as well as to all the Communities of the Institute of the Marist Brothers.

Brother Belmiro, together with Brother Tomás Sawayenga, was involved in a motor accident in Kuito-Bié, in the afternoon of Saturday, 10 October 2015 and died in hospital about an hour after admission.

Details of the funeral service and burial are yet to be announced.

Brother Belmiro Schmidt was born on 4 December 1938 at Santa Rosa, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. He was admitted to the Juniorate in Bom Princíipio on 2 February 1952 at the age of 13, and made his first profession on 2 February 1960 in Passo Fundo. After a three-year scholasticate, he exercised his ministry in various communities in Brazil for over thirty years. In 1995 he was sent to Angola where he first joined the Ndalatando community. He has since been posted to both the other Angolan communities. At the time of his death, he had been a part of the Kuito-Bié community since January 2011.


Tomás Eulogio Dancourt Chueca...


Tomás Sawayenga...