José Antonio Ruiz Abeijón
El Hermano Provincial de la Provincia Marista Mediterránea, el Hermano Superior del Distrito de África del Oeste, la Comunidad Marista de Cartagena y sus familiares tienen el sentimiento de participarles que nuestro Hermano José Antonio RUIZ ABEIJÓN ha fallecido en Cartagena el día 24 de julio de 2014 a los 70 años de edad y 53 de vida religiosa DESCANSE EN PAZ.
Palavras del Provincial en la misa "Corpore in Sepulto"
It is with a heavy heart that I write to announce to you the death of our first District Superior, Brother José Antonio Ruiz Abeijon. It happened this morning, July 24, 2014 in the Community of Cartagena-Spain where he has been receiving some treatment.
Burial will take place tomorrow, 25th July 2014 at 5pm at Cartagena-Spain. Our District Superior, Brother Francis Lukong, asks all of us to pray for the eternal repose of the Soul of our former Superior and brother; Brother Antonio. (Constitutions Art. 55)
Brother Antonio was born on October 16, 1943 in Noya (La Coruña) in Spain. He entered the Juniorate of Las Avellanas on November 30, 1954. He did his novitiate in the same house and did his first Profession on September 8, 1960 and final profession on August 15, 1965 in Segorbe.
From his first profession until 1974, Brother Antonio served in some Marist Communities in Spain. From 1974 till his death, he has spent his life helping to promote Marist life and Mission in what we know today as the Marist District of West Africa. In Côte d’Ivoire he worked tirelessly in the Marist Communities of Bouaké (1974-1975 and from 1999-2003), Dimbokro (1975-79), Korhogo (1980-84).
In Ghana, he served in Kumasi Novitiate from 1990-1999, Accra from 2003-2006 and in Buokrom Community from 2007-2014.
It is should be noted that Brother Antonio was the first Superior of the Marist District of West Africa which was born in August 2000. He diligently served the District in this position until 2006. From 2007 till present, he has continued serving the District as Bursar.
Brother José Antonio dies at the age of 70 with 53 years of Marist religious life. He spent approximately 40 years of his religious life in the District of West Africa. It is our prayer that God will crown the efforts of this great missionary of Fr Champagnat with eternal life and that he will in turn intercede for us especially the Brothers of the District of West Africa who are mourning him at this moment.
May his soul Rest in Peace! Nairobi, July 24th 2014
Birkem Pascal Funsa, fms – District Secretary