2020-09-14 AUSTRALIA

Australian Marist Solidarity – Solidarity Matters September 2020

Solidarity Matters - Sept. 2020 - Australian This edition of Solidarity Matters takes us right across our region.  You’ll hear from India, Kiribati, Myanmar, Timor-Leste, Bougainville and Cambodia, a reminder that we truly are part of a broad network working to ensure that every young person is able to reach their brightest potential.  The times we are in still pose deep challenges for many of our projects, but you’ll also read of the hope that our partners continue to share.  Brothers are delivering food parcels to the most vulnerable and teachers continue to drop off learning materials during home visits or teaching via phone.  We are reminded of our recent catchcry, #COVIDCan’tStopGood.

To read more click here.


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