
Bulletin Marist Province of Africa Central-East (PACE)

Official information from the Provincial Council (2012-2015)
Meeting 13

Dear Brothers, Warm and joyful greetings from the Provincial House – Rumi Road, Nairobi. You might have still fresh in your memory the Provincial Assembly held in Save from 1st to 3rd August 2014. It was a very good time we enjoyed together, in a fraternal dialogue, in an atmosphere of freedom which allowed each of us to express not only our ideas, but also our feelings. To express one’s ideas is easy, but to express feelings is more difficult. In such an atmosphere, discernment is possible. The Holy Spirit can speak and be heard. The Provincial Council is very grateful to each of you for the contribution to the building of such a spirit and an atmosphere.

The Provincial Council met on 28th – 30th August 2014. The meeting was mainly about information and updates from the communities, the follow-up of the Provincial Assembly, the immediate preparation to the second International Marist Mission Assembly (II MIMA), and some financial matters.


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