Novices from Champagnat fraternity
Whatsoever you do the rest of my brothers you do it to me. One week before our community agreed to help the needy around our place. Few novices went around identifying possible places. The Orphanage happened to be the place. We agreed to go by fraternities. Today, the 16th February, our novices from Champagnat fraternity volunteered to be the first ones to help slashing and raking around the property run by the Hospitaller Sisters. The sisters keep children who are mentally drenched, though some look normal. At the end of the day?s work, the novices posed for a photo joined by the three orphans. We shall also be engaged in removing stumps in one area where the sisters intend to open a football pitch for the unfortunate youth. The next fraternities will venture into that work as there are no more places that would need slashing and raking
The sisters thanked us in return through biscuits, juice and cold water which energized and quenched our thirst as we walked home manly as marvelous companions. It was a sunny day but we braved it with capes. Sweat victimized us like Zambezi floods but we took it as a normal thing after a heavy and straining work.
We felt that Lenten project can as well be done by work, especially if the target group are our needy brothers and sisters.
Of course, the community felt that work alone would not be enough, we have decided to deny ourselves of soft drinks on Sunday and one meal of meat. The money that will be realized from this too will be used to help our needy friends. In this way we will have accompanied our Suffering Lord better than by tearing our clothes and putting on sackcloths. May our Good Lord bless our little efforts and small sacrifices as we journey towards Calvary with Him these days. Union of prayers and concern for the most destitute around our communities. God bless.
Simeon Banda, fms.