2019-11-18 BRAZIL

The Gaudete Project forms another group of Marist leaders

More than 30 administrators from several ministry areas of the Brazil Centro-Sul province (Health, Publishing, Education and Solidarity) participated in the second session of the Gaudete Project. The program was run between August and October of this year and the last stage of the formation took place in Corupá, Santa Catarina, on October 29 and 30.

The project – promoted by the Provincial Directorate of Identity, Mission and Vocation – has the as its objectives: to develop an appreciation of spirituality; to offer a space for reflection and sharing of personal and collective experience, as an aid to self-knowledge and intentional growth; and to make known the Pope Francis’ apostolic exhortation Gaudete et Exultate.

In this final phase, Fr José Rafael Solano Durán worked with the group on the Gaudete et Exultate document, highlighting some points of correlation with administration and the role of an administrator.

On the second day, the group walked the Waterfalls Trail in Corupá, a journey of 3 km in the middle of nature. "The group was very motivated. It was a wonderful outing, full of significant experiences, a time of communion and reflection on the importance of the journey as it relates to administration," says João Fedel, training coordinator.

The session concluded with a discussion about what it means to be holy as a Marist administrator. The consensus was that holiness is possible, it is very human, and can be applied in Marist service.


Amanecer 2019...


Memory and reflection looking to the future...