Bulletin de l’Institut 1909 – 1984
The first number of the Bulletin appeared in 1909. From then to 1984 followed 222 numbers which were collected in 31 volumes. Published originally in French, the text began appearing in the four official languages of the Institute after the Chapter of 1967-1968.
The Bulletin of the Institute is a Marist historical archive of very varied content. Its pages contain historical data from the Marist world, the provinces and the houses. It constitutes an archive for three quarters of a century of Marist life. Together with the historical data collected, it has also preserved in its pages a wealth of Marist reflection on education and spirituality especially. This precious archive has been known up to now only through the paper publication. From today we are also able to access here the text (in French) and photographs in digital format.
Thanks to the quiet and efficient work of Brother Louis Richard, the 31 Volumes of the French edition have been transcribed into (word) digital format. Thanks and congratulations for his work.
In the French edition of the publication, the booklets of each number are grouped and inserted in volumes with a similar number of pages. For this reason, the volumes do not correspond to an equal chronological format. The publication of the work in digital format on the web follows the same order that the booklets composing each volume were published. In first place appears the year, followed by the number of the Bulletin and the date on which it was published.
To gain electronic access to the contents, one must enter the number of the Bulletin or of the volume (drop down menu). On opening the volume, the titles of the articles published in it will appear on the screen. And from the titles it is possible to access the contents of each article. At the beginning of the articles in each number of the Bulletin is included an album with the photographs contained in each number.
Without any doubt this collective work, covering three quarters of a century of Marist life (1909 -1984), is a source of firsthand information for researchers of the history of the Institute.