Letters of Marcellin – 238

Marcellin Champagnat


Fr. Champagnat has been sending a New Years circular letter to the brothers since at least 1836. This one, like its predecessor (L. 210), was lithographed. We have five copies; one has no address since that page was torn off, but from the P.S., we think it was destined for PĂ©lussin. The others were sent to Millery, Perreux, Terre Noire and La Voulte.


My very dear brothers,

It gives me sweet satisfaction to let the affection which fills my heart overflow into yours. I very sincerely wish that the graces of the Lord may always be poured out on each of you with new abundance. I thank you for the attachment you show me. How can I make you aware at this moment of the gratitude you deserve from me for that?

What you want is not what people strive to express in such circumstances by a vain display of words; those are the advantages of a much higher social standing. In the society of the Brothers of Mary, what have we not received? Without losing sight of the past, let us see if we have not already received the promised hundredfold. Therefore, with what sentiments of gratitude should we not be filled? Who, after Mary, could better express everything we feel, than St. Joseph, that great saint, that seraphic man!

Being so convinced, at the motherhouse, at the end of Mass, we recited for nine days the Litany of St. Joseph, after chanting the psalm Laudate Dominum. We urge you, as soon as you receive this, to make the same novena at whatever moment of the day suits you best.

To make it easier for you to distribute good books, we have purchased a great number of them, below the usual price.

A violent hemorrhage suddenly took Brother PacĂ´me away from us. I urge you to pray, and to carry out what our holy Rule prescribes, for the repose of his soul.

I have the honor to be your most affectionate servant,


N.D. de lHermitage, 13th January 1839

P.S. for PĂ©lussin:

We would have sent a replacement for Bro. Zacharie, but we think he is perhaps getting better. If that is not the case, try to inform us as soon as possible, so that we can replace him.

Please share this circular with the brothers of Chavanay and Ampuis.

P.S. for Millery:

Bro. Antoine: You cannot continue to sing at Mass nor to act as subdeacon without damaging your health. Break the news to the parish priest in such a way that he will not insist any further. We are about to inform him also.

P.S. for Perreux:

Please share this circular with the brothers of Charlieu.

Edition: Translation from: Lettres de Marcellin J. B. Champagnat (1789-1840) Fondateur de l?Institut des Frères Maristes, présentés par Frère Paul Sester,1985.

fonte: Daprès plusieurs expéditions polycopiées AFM 111.52; éditée dans CSG 1, p. 24, et dans AAA pp. 272-273


Letters of Marcellin - 233...


Letters of Marcellin - 242...