Letters of Marcellin – 122

Marcellin Champagnat


As he had stated the previous month (L. 116), Fr. Champagnat had intended to take advantage of a trip to La Voulte, no doubt with Mr. GĂ©nissieux, to push on to St-Paul, but illness prevented him from going any further. So he stayed at La Voulte, where he drafted this letter to Fr. Mazelier, to tell him in writing the most urgent items he had wanted to discuss with him.


La Voulte, 26th July 1837

Father Superior,

I left home on Sunday , intending to visit you in order to thank you in person for the tremendous service you do for the Society of Mary. May our good Mother bless all your undertakings, bless you yourself, and preserve you for a long time in her good work which you direct.

An illness which perhaps will not be very serious has prevented me from continuing my journey and obliges me to return home. May God be blessed thousands of times for it; this sovereign Master has very good reasons. The only thing I ask of him is that I may sing his mercies for ever.

Here is the result of the drawing for several of our subjects who are with you: Bro. Victor, nÂş 21; Bro. Andronic, nÂş 98; Mourgue, nÂş 35; Bro. Martin was not called up; I dont know Bro. Basiles number but I do know it was very high.

Father Superior, please do whatever is necessary to have the documents presented for review. I do not believe that Mourgue will ever be able to earn his certificate of competence. If he is willing, and if he can be of service to you for some form of manual work, I would be pleased to see him stay on with you. His parents can still give something.

Send us the bill for whatever we owe you. It is only just that we not make you wait for it.

Please accept my assurance of the devotion and gratitude with which I have the honor to be, Father Superior, your most humble and most obedient servant,

Sup. of the B. of M.

Edition: Translation from: Lettres de Marcellin J. B. Champagnat (1789-1840) Fondateur de l?Institut des Frères Maristes, présentés par Frère Paul Sester,1985.

fonte: Daprès lexpédition autographe, AFM, 112.6


Letters of Marcellin - 106...


Letters of Marcellin - 128...