10/Jul/2020 AFRIQUE DU SUD

Prayers and Reflections in a time of COVID-19

This book of prayers was prepared by two teachers at Sacred Heart College, South Africa.

South Africa, even after 26 years of independence, still remains one of the most unequal societies in the world. The immediate need to respond to the health crisis cannot obscure the urgent need to create a more just and equitable society once the pandemic passes.

Thousands of very poor families in the huge shack settlements around the platinum mines in my diocese live in one room. Social distancing in such conditions is virtually impossible. How can they stay at home and wash their hands frequently when there is no readily available water?

I hope that as time goes on, we can start to discern what the experience of this pandemic calls for from the Church in terms of its vision mission and ministry. We are living in a primarily sacramental model. The closing of Churches and the suspension of public masses is challenging us to become a different kind of Church. We cannot go back to what was normal in the past. We must be a Church which is much more inclusive of the destitute and of those who are suffering in so many ways: the victims of violence against women and children, all those who are stigmatised or suffer discrimination.

I hope and pray that this crisis will bring out the treasures of who we are called to be as disciples of Jesus, and to be the field hospital that Pope Francis dreams of. This means building on what we have achieved in the past – but then to be creative in imagining something new for the future.

Kevin Dowling, Bishop of Rustenburg.

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