2023-02-24 SPAIN

Maristas Ibérica Innovation Days

The Ibérica Province celebrated the X Innovation Days of the Marist from Iberica, on February 15 and 16. Thirty educators from the educational works of the province were present. Javier Bahón Gómez, CEO of TÚinnovas, the international laboratory for innovation and educational coaching, was present in Lardero (La Rioja) to give the training.

During the sessions, Javier discussed several key ideas, based on the following themes: learning situations, rigorous thinking strategies and competency assessment. On the one hand, teaching staff must be clear about the beacons of their educational centre, of the educational institution, he recalled. “At school we have always adopted the position of each teacher with their booklet, and this in the long run has caused us to be too disconnected,” he said and added that “in the face of such a complex task, we must always work as a team, join forces and be consistent with the educational project we want, and the profile of the person we want to educate.”

On the other hand, considering that “only the active brain learns. The brain must develop all its capacities, and it only develops the capacities that it practices.” For some years now, steps have been taken so that the reality of the country’s educational centers better addresses the need for meaningful education, based on learning for real life, where students not only learn conceptual content, but also the abilities and skills, and that through these contents, they are able to face a liquid and changing world in which they have to live.

“When we talk about educating for life, we are talking about educating in skills. And for that you need to have the ability to think flexibly, to have cognitive flexibility and emotional flexibility,” he concluded.


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