2023-05-15 BRAZIL

Marists promote the Fight Against Abuse and Sexual Exploration of Children and Teenagers 

Marist solidarity - Rights

On May 18, Brazil celebrates the National Day to Combat Sexual Abuse and Exploitation of Children and Adolescents. To promote the qualification of professionals (from different areas) and of the Marist Brothers in the field of protection of children, adolescents and young people, the Counseling on Protection of the Child and Adolescent of “Rede Marista” (Brasil Sul-Amazônia) is developing two training initiatives that will take place in May.

Certification in Protection, Care and Management of children and adolescents victims of sexual violence

This is a free course offered by the PUCRS, in collaboration with the Counseling on Protection and the Law School. It is an online course in Portuguese. More information in this link

Marist Conference about Confronting Child and Adolescent Sexual Abuse

This webinar is held annually by the Counseling on Protection with topics related to child and youth sexual violence. This year, the theme will be on violence, abuse and sexual exploitation of children and youth in an online environment. The event will take place on May 25. Three experts from different areas will speak about the impacts of this type of sexual exploitation on the lives of children and young people. More information in this link

Brasil Centro-Sul

The Marist Group, on May 5, was one of the sponsors of a Live promoted by the Conference of Religious of Brazil (CRB), which highlighted the work that the Catholic Church is doing in favor of the defense and protection of vulnerable people. The video is available on the CRB YouTube channel.


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