2023-05-16 GENERAL HOUSE

16 May: International Day for PEACEFUL LIFE WITH PEACE

Become a prophet of the Good News: denounce injustice, work for peace” (Rule of Life, 32).

A few years ago, in December 2017, the UN decided to declare 16 May as the “International Day for Coexistence in Peace”. A day to remember one of the essential principles and rights of every human being: to live and live together in peace.

Our world today, as so often throughout history, is plagued by wars, armed conflicts and violence in many countries and regions. Our response today, as so often throughout our Marist history, must be plagued by responses of peace, understanding, dialogue, and love for our brothers and sisters.

The XXII General Chapter invited us, and invites us, to be builders of bridges, of understanding, of positive and horizontal relationships. An invitation that entails the effort for harmony and understanding from the concrete of our lives, but that must transcend our small frontiers of daily life to reach the universal sense of fraternity. A fraternity that Jesus taught us two thousand years ago, and that Pope Francis reminded us of in Fratelli Tutti.

We need to try to accept differences, to respect others, to listen to their opinions, to recognize that “my brother and sister” also have their own opinions. We need to sit together, to dialogue, to remain open and attentive, to sincerely appreciate the other, even those who seem to be our enemies. Jesus of Nazareth invited us to have the courage to live and transmit this way of relating to each other, based on tolerance, acceptance, and solidarity.

Literature, and cinema, have reminded us how sincere peaceful co-existence is possible, despite divisions and differences. It suffices to recall here the brilliant story told by John Boyne in his famous novel The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas. What if we learn from the two protagonists of this story? What if we allow ourselves to be challenged by the tender and transparent gaze of Bruno and Shmuel?

In recent months we seem to have already forgotten the terrible pandemic we have been living through for more than two years. It has taught us some lessons that can also help us to live together in peace. Fidel AizpurĂșa, a Capuchin Franciscan, wrote an article entitled ‘The storm roared, the gale passed’. In it he reminded us how the pandemic had taught us “social weakness […] and the necessary collaboration […] fraternity in fragility and solidarity with the most fragile“. I believe that these words can be enlightening in our daily life as an Institute.

As Marists of Champagnat we are called to begin with the concrete and then move to the global. We remember what the text of Matthew’s Gospel tells us: “So if, when you bring your gift to the altar, you remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift right there before the altar and go first to make peace with your brother. Then you can return to the altar and present your offering“. (Mt 5:23-24). And we also remember what Father Champagnat told us: “All the dioceses of the world are part of our plans“. We are a Global Family, we are bridge builders, we are defenders of the culture of peace and non-violence, we are brothers and sisters to all human beings, especially the most vulnerable.

There is work to be done, yes. We have the resources to help in this task, too. Let us unite, as a Global Family. Let us join with those who promote peace, in our Church, in our society, in our world.


Br Ángel Diego GarcĂ­a Otaola – Director of the Solidarity Secretariat


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