2023-08-08 BRAZIL

Bonding of laypeople to the Marist charism in the Fraternities of the CMMF in Brasil Sul-Amazônia

The lay men and women of the Marist Province of Brasil Sul-Amazônia are experiencing a very important moment in their vocational journey. Since the beginning of this year, the members of the Champagnat Movement of the Marist Family (CMMF) have been carrying out the Bonding to the Marist charism.

According to the guidelines of the Movement, the desire to be linked to the Marist charism is a personal process of accompanied discernment, which does not mean that the person has a link with the Marist institution. “It is a free and joyful expression. It fosters and strengthens the sense of family and community. The link is to the charism and does not mean legal belonging” (Guidelines of the CMMF, Annex 5).

During the first semester of 2023, three Fraternities of the State of Rio Grande do Sul have already made the Marist charismatic attachment. They are: Santa Cruz Fraternity (Santa Cruz do Sul), Brother Rovílio Fraternity (Santa Maria) and Family of Mary Fraternity (Porto Alegre).

For Adelmo Etges, of the Fraternity Family of Mary, among the reasons that led him to bonding to the Marist charism is the desire to live the Marist values in their fullness, having Mary, the Good Mother, and Saint Marcellin Champagnat as models and inspiration. “Among the feelings that have sprung from this moment are belonging, witness and the joy of participating in a great family that shares values and principles based on the Christian faith and the Church”, he evaluates.   

Likewise, Everson Belous, of the Fraternity of Brother Rovilio, recalls that his Marist journey, which began in childhood, brought him closer to the Marist charism which is an inexhaustible source of motivation and inspiration. “As I connected with the charism, I felt a strong connection with shared values and principles. The feeling of belonging to something greater and the commitment to spread these teachings by acting on them in my daily life has strengthened immensely. This feeling is like a flame that warms the heart and drives the search to be more human every day”, he explains.

During the next semester, other Fraternities and Lay Marists will also carry out Bonding to the Marist charism.

In Brazil there are 64 fraternities of the Champagnat Movement: 33 in the Province of Brasil Sul-Amazônia, 23 in the Province of Brasil Centro-Norte and 28 in the Province of Brasil Centro-Sul.


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