2023-08-21 VIETNAM

Perpetual Profession of Brothers Peter Nguyen Viet Bao and Joseph Nguyen Van Tri

On the Feast of the Assumption of Mary, 15 august 2023, and the Patronal Feast of the Institute, the Marist Brothers in Vietnam commemorated the second occasion of Perpetual Profession among Vietnamese Brothers. During this significant event, Brothers Peter Nguyen Viet Bao and Joseph Nguyen Van Tri formally undertook their perpetual vows. Br. Canisio, Superior of the Marist District of Asia, received their profession in the name of Br. Ernesto Sánchez, Superior General.

The ceremony was honorable by the presence of Reverend Pierre Nguyen van Tot, the former nuncio in Sri Lanka, who presided over the Eucharistic Celebration. Notably, the Bishop and the Brothers share a longstanding connection back to their Novitiate days in Sri Lanka. In attendance, the families and relatives of the brothers assisted their support to the occasion, there were approximately 250 witnesses who were there to testify to this commitment. 

Within this ceremony, an additional three Brothers chose to renew their temporal vows.

It is with profound joy that the Marist District of Asia embraces the abundant graces given upon them by the Lord through the dedication of these newly professed Perpetual Brothers.

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