2023-08-22 BRAZIL

Perpetual profession of Brother Julianderson André Ramos da Silva

Br. Julianderson André Ramos da Silva, of the Province of Brasil Centro-Norte, made his perpetual religious profession in the Marist Institute on August 13, 2023. On that day, the Church celebrated the liturgical memorial of Santa Dulce de los Pobres, for whom Br. Julianderson has a special admiration.

The Eucharistic celebration took place in the chapel of the Colégio Marista Nossa Senhora de Nazaré, in Belém, where the Marist Brothers have been present for 120 years.

Encouraged by the biblical verse “Wash one another’s feet” (John 13:14), Br. Julianderson André, accompanied by his family and friends, supported by his brothers, gave his definitive yes to God, in the Marist family: Here I am, Lord, to serve with joy and to build with hope!

Br. José de Assis Elias de Brito, Provincial, received the vows in the name of the Superior General, Br. Ernesto Sanchez.


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