2024-01-27 BRAZIL

Marist vocations meeting in Brasil Centro-Sul

From January 18th to 21st, a Marist Vocations Meeting took place in Curitiba, Province of Brasil Centro-Sul. With the theme “life project and Marist mission”, the activity brought together vocation seekers, Marist Brothers and Vocation Animators from the Province.

Among the young people interested in the Marist vocation, there were seven people from Caçador, Curitiba, CriciĂșma, Dourados, Ponta Grossa and SĂŁo Paulo. There were also six brothers present, as well as vocation animators. The meeting was coordinated by Brother Rafael Ferreira.

During the Marist Vocations Meeting, there were moments of formation, spirituality, conviviality and Marist immersion. The participants visited the Marist Memorial and exchanged experiences with the older brothers of the SĂŁo JosĂ© dos Pinhais Residence. Important themes for the young people’s formation were addressed, such as self-knowledge, the life of Marcellin Champagnat and the Marist Mission and Life Project.

On the last day of the meeting, individual conversations were held between the brothers and the vocational candidates about their vocational journeys. The meeting concluded with a Mass in the parish of St. Pius X.

 “I met new people and learned a little more about the history of Saint Marcellin. The most important thing was that I came to love the Good Mother even more,” said Iago CorrĂȘa, one of the candidates.

Brother BenĂȘ Oliveira, Provincial, highlighted the importance of the dynamic of accompaniment and vocational discernment. “Let’s move forward in building a culture of vocations as the best response to the vocational frustration typical of our times; a modest and discreet response, but one that is well-disposed and effective, working on accompaniment and discernment to reach the hearts of young people. Numbers and results are important, but it is always God who takes the initiative, who loves and continues to call, choose, prepare and send!” he said.


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