2024-05-21 GENERAL HOUSE

Champagnat Global invites to a webinar on “In the Footsteps of Marcellin Champagnat: Marist Educational Mission”

“Together to look beyond”

For the third consecutive year, on the feast of our founder in the month of June, the Marist Global Network of Schools, Champagnat Global, invites the international school community to meet and honor the Institute’s founder by holding the already traditional webinar: together to look beyond, which on this occasion will have as its motive to get to know the new document “In the Footsteps of Marcellin Champagnat: Marist Educational Mission“.

For many Marists, the Marist Educational Mission document launched in 1998 was a valuable reference of the values and principles that marked the Marist educational style, inspired by the founding vision. The new edition In the Footsteps of Marcellin Champagnat: Marist Educational Mission is the fruit of a process of revision and updating carried out by an international commission composed of “Marists” who live the different vocations of the charism and reflects the changes that have taken place in the world, the Church and our Institute, and which are relevant for Marist education today, together with the calls to be, feel and act as a great global family at the service of children and young people.

At the Marist International Mission Assembly (MIMA III) held last April in El Escorial, Spain, the official launching of the document took place with the presence of the participants from each Administrative Unit of the Institute, who were invited. This webinar gives to everybody the opportunity to meet and live this experience at an international level.

Champagnat Global invites you to come toghether and learn more about the Document. To facilitate participation, the same webinar will be held on June 12 at two different times: the first at 9:00 AM and the second at 4:00 PM (Rome time). You are invited to REGISTER as soon as possible so that you can receive the participation ZOOM link.


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