2024-06-15 PERU

Marcellin Champagnat is enthroned as patron of the city of Sullana

Since June 6, 2024, Saint Marcellin Champagnat has been venerated as the patron saint of the city of Sullana in Piura, Peru, Marist Province of Santa Maria de los Andes. The image of Champagnat was enthroned in the main parish, “SantĂ­sima Trinidad”, where the event was celebrated.

In Sullana there are two Marist schools that make Saint Marcellin’s charism a reality: Santa Rosa and San JosĂ© Obrero. It was these two schools, through their pastoral teams and teachers, who asked the Council of Mission and Sector Life-Peru, of the Province of St. Mary of the Andes, for the possibility of having an image that would remain in the main parish.

The enthronement of the image took place with the authorization of the Archbishop of Piura-Tumbes and the approval of the parish priest, Father Roland Vicente Castro Juarez. Present at the ceremony were Marist Brothers and lay Marists, teachers, students, former students, parents and local residents.

“For both the city and the Marist family it was a day of great joy and satisfaction for the long-awaited event. We will pray together so that St. Marcellin may help us to have new vocations for our Province of Santa Maria de los Andes and, therefore, for the whole Marist Congregation”, said Brother Bernardino Pascual Juárez.


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