2018-09-07 BRAZIL

Program Happy Life

The Week Project of Life took place in the Marist Educational Center San José in the city of São José, 5 km from Florianópolis (Brazil), from the 6 to 11 of August, with Primary and High School educators and approximately 450 young people.

The program, of the Province Central South Brazil, carried out with the help of the Team of the Program Happy Life tried to respond to the question, “which is the sense of my life”?

Br. Ernesto Sánchez, the Superior General, sent a special message to the adolescents and young people of the Educational Units of San José and Florianópolis.

“During these days you are reflecting on the vocational theme”, Br. Ernesto told them.  “I believe that it is a fundamental theme, since it deals with one of the principal objectives of our life”.  The Video was presented during the official opening. 

The Program Happy Life is a Program of formation of the Marist Group (Province Central South Brazil) and given in public and private schools, to stimulate the construction of projects of life and vocational orientation, with emphasis on Marist religious life.  

During the week, the team recalled the legacy of Saint Marcelin Champagnat and the history of the Institute of the Marist Brothers, through Workshops and other interventions.

There were also some dynamics, to stimulate the reflection on dreams and attitudes, which contribute greater sense to life.

At the end of the week, the encounter dedicated the time to the young people interested in knowing religious vocations and other vocations.

 A talk with a Marist Sister, Laity and Salvatorian Sisters, helped them to deepen in the histories of life of those who are at the head of the missions they chose


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