2016-11-07 GENERAL HOUSE

Universal Children?s Day – November 20

In view of the Universal Children’s Day, celebrated on November 20, FMSI launches an initiative to call attention on the rights of infancy and to stimulate the debate on this theme.  


In the preceding months, it was proposed to our students of the Marist world to reflect on the conditions of infancy and on the implementation of the rights of minors in their own country, lending special attention to the recommendations made by the organisms of the UN proposed to the guardianship or protection of human rights. The texts written by children and boys of six countries, Greece, Haiti, Hungary, Lebanon, Paraguay, Zimbabwe, will be proposed in the form of an e-mail, starting November 8 up to November 20, to friends, companions, supporters of the Foundation … a way to give voice to the younger and to invite to reflection on the condition of so many children regarding the present problems today.

Furthermore, excerpts from the document “La niñez marista de América opina sobre la violencia” (The opinion of children in relation to the violence) will be proposed in the e-mails, as well.


The Universal Children’s Day takes place on November 20. The United Nations General Assembly in 1954 recommended its celebration. It aimed at encouraging all countries to establish an official day to: promote mutual exchange and understanding among children; launch an initiative to support and promote the well-being of children around the world; celebrate the Children’s Day annually.

November 20 is also the anniversary of the day in which the UN’s General Assembly adopted the Declaration of the Rights of the Child in 1959. The Convention on the Rights of the Child was also approved that same day in 1989.


Contribute to the debate on the rights of infancy in your country and in the world on the Facebook page of FMSI.


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