2016-09-23 BRAZIL

Brasil Sul-Amazônia Provine

The Brasil Sul-Amazônia Province celebrated a new retreat for brothers and laity to pray and reflect together.

A total of 30 brothers and 13 laity took part in Veranópolis in this edition, which theme is fraternity: a Marist way of living mercy.

Several elements of the Marist charism were experienced, excelling the gift of fraternity, communion and the virtue of being prophets and mystics, inspired by Mary and in Saint Marcellin Champagnat.

The Spanish brother, of the Mediterranean province, José María Ferre was the animator of the retreat who also attended by the provincial brother Inacio Etges.

Participants reported that the retreat was an experience of grace, a gift of God and at the same time, a celebration of communion and life between brothers and laity.


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