2014-07-03 GENERAL HOUSE

Calendar July ? September 2014

We present the calendar of the General Council and the directors of the Secretariats of the Institute for the months of July, August and September of this year.

07 – 11 July: Inter-American Mission Commission – New York, USA – Chris Wills, Miguel Angel Espinosa
08 July: End of Plenary Session of the General Council
09 – 13 July: Retreat for brothers and laity, Argentina – Javier Espinosa
10 – 19 July: Retreat in Province of Brasil Centro-Sul – Florianópolis, Brasil – Eugène Kabanguka and Josep Maria Soteras
14 – 20 July: District of Melanesia – Assembly and Chapter – Papua New Guinea – Joe Mc Kee and Michael De Waas
15 – 21 July: Preparation for II IMMA – Nairobi, Kenya – Mario Meuti and João Carlos do Prado
15 – 21 July: “Brothers formators for a new world” course – Manziana, Italy – Chris Wills
20 – 23 July: Conference on Education – Valencia, Spain – Chris Wills
20 – 24 July: Province Assembly United States – New Jersey, USA – Josep Maria Soteras, Eugène Kabanguka
21 – 27 July: Visit to the Marist mission in Samoa (District of the Pacific) – Michael De Waas
20 – 26 July: Provincial Chapter of Santa María de los Andes – Chosica, Peru – Emili Turú
21 – 26 July: American Commission of the Laity – Brasilia, Brasil – Javier Espinosa
22 – 26 July: African Regional Meeting on New Models – Nairobi, Kenya: Ernesto, Antonio Ramalho, Víctor Preciado, João Carlos, Mario Meuti and Gabriel Villa-Réal
26 July: MIC Board – Nairobi, Kenya – Joe McKee
28-29 July: MIC Budget & Conference of Provincials of Africa – Joe McKee and Antonio Ramalho
28 July – 04 August: Visit to the Marist mission in Kiribati (District of the Pacific) – Michael De Waas
27 July – 3 August: Visit to El Salvador – Emili Turú

01 – 03 August: Provincial Assembly of Central East Africa (PACE) – Save, Ruanda – Antonio Ramalho
4 – 9 August: Visit to Honduras – Emili Turú
04 – 20 August: visit to the Province of Australia – Michael De Waas
10 – 18 August: Celebration of 125 years of Marist presence in Colombia – Emili Turú, César Rojas
16 – 23 August: Tabatinga Project – Chris Wills
21 – 23 August: Oceania Meeting on New Models – Mittagong, Australia – Michael de Waas, João Carlos do Prado, Alberto Rojas, Michael Green and Peter McNamara
24 – 24 August: Collaboration for Mission International meeting – Bogotá, Colombia – Chris Wills
25-27 August: “Brothers formators for a new world” course – El Escorial, Spain – Javier Espinosa

01 September: Beginning of French-language Third Age Course (to 31 October) – Rome, La Salle
01 – 03 September: “Brothers formators for a new world” course – Manziana, Italy – Michael de Waas
11 – 15 September: Meeting of Preparatory Commission and Work Teams of the II IMMA – Nairobi, Kenya – Cesar Rojas, Javier Espinosa, Tony Léon, Miguél Ángel, Chris Wills, Mario Meuti and João Carlos
12 – 13 September: Seminar for novices in Tudella, Sri Lanka – Michael De Waas
13 – 14 September: Assembly of the Brothers of Germany – Furth, Germany – Joe Mc Kee.
16 September: Beginning of Spanish- and Portuguese-language Third Age Course (to 16 November) – Rome, General House
16 – 27 September: II International Marist Mission Assembly – Nairobi, Kenya – General Council and directors of secretariats.
29 September – 03 October: District of Asia Council meeting – Bangkok, Thailand – Joe Mc Kee.
30 September – 10 October: Workshop on Formation Guide – Escorial:  César Rojas and Antonio Ramalho – Manziana: Tony León and Ernesto Sánchez


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