2012-07-11 ECUADOR

Br. Inácio Etges, Vice-President

Br. Antonio Peralta, provincial of Santa María de los Andes, represented Br. Emili Turú, Superior General, at the 18th General Assembly of CLAR – 2012. Representatives from the different countries of Latin America and the Caribbean gathered at the Ecuadoran Episcopal Conference's Bethany House near Quito from the 18th to the 22nd of June. Br. Antonio commented on the excellence of the meeting: because of the people in attendance and the atmosphere of hope in the vitality and impact of religious life in Latin America and the Caribbean.

The Assembly's opening Eucharist was celebrated by Most Rev. Ricardo A. Tobón, Archbishop of Medellín and a delegate from CELAM. His homily recalled the prophetic mission of Religious Life in Latin America in overcoming evil with the power of good, staying faithful in service and their concern for those who suffer most.

The Assembly representatives had the pleasure of the presence of Cardinal Joao Braz de Aviz, Prefect of the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life. He expressed how close he felt to us and his desire to create paths of communion with Religious Life, affirming that the various charisms are the Word of God in history, and that if the various congregations are faithful to them Religious Life will not disappear from the Church. He mentioned the desire of the Holy Father to aproximar el Dicasterio and Religious Life.

Five lines of action for the three-year period 2012-2015 were explained:

1.         Inter-congregational cooperation and the laity
2.         Humanizing religious life
3.         Social networks and youth culture
4.         Bringing together the new frontiers and the new areas of poverty on the continent
5.         Defense of the environment.

The election of the new board of directors of CLAR 2012 – 2015 took place on June 22. Among the members, Br. Inácio Nestor Etges, of the National Conference of Brazil and present provincial of Rio Grande do Sul, was elected first Vice-President.

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