2009-02-26 CANADA

In the school setting

I received an invitation from Mrs. Danielle SĂ©guin who is in charge of spiritual life and community involvement in about twelve primary schools under the Board of Education of Quebec City. Mrs. SĂ©guin was asking that I meet up with the students under the Board?s direction. Mr. Francois Lauzier, Vice President of CSI was to meet with four student groups, while I would speak with two groups in March.

What I have decided to do is offer to the students some ideas about the above mentioned CSI, that is, « Collaboration Santé International? (International Health Network), a group which I once directed for more than five years.

Accordingly, I went to La Fourmilière School located in Charlesbourg on February 10, 2009. There I met with all twelve classes of the school, two classes at a time. Even though each meeting lasted only fifteen minutes and the children found the time too brief, I was bound to hold to the limited time.

All the children showed a lively interest throughout the brief presentation that I offered them about CSI.

I was aware that the students had set up a project to assist some people of the Third World: collecting books to send to disadvantaged students in Morocco. What an inspiring undertaking ? young people desiring to help other young people!

Before my departure from the school, Mrs. SĂ©guin thanked me in the presence of the students. My reply: ?Madame SĂ©guin, I am the one who should be thanking you. Meeting young people is always a real pleasure for me. After having spent forty years with young people, today?s experience offered me the chance to recall many unforgettable experiences which I have had!?

Already I have received two additional invitations to address young students in the local schools. More wonderful moments to look forward to with the young people!

Paul-André Lavoie, fms


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