2007-02-28 SPAIN

European Council of the Champagnat Movement of the Marist Family

The CEP (European Conference of Provincials), having met at Madrid on the 19th February 2007, took into consideration the two proposals that it received after the 1st European Meeting of the Champagnat Movement of the Marist Family which took place at Alcala de Henares (Madrid) from the 10th to the 13th August 2006: To hold a meeting of representatives of each Province, at the European level, every four years and to create the European Council of the Champagnat Movement of the Marist Family which will meet annually with the Institute?s Bureau of the Laity and which will have as its aim the analysis of the progress of the fraternities and their animation.

The European Conference of Provincials unanimously accepted the two proposals and approved them in accordance with its competence. The final responsibility for the MChFM in each of the Administrative Units of the Institute is entrusted to the Brothers Provincial.

With regard to the first proposal, the CEP did not specify if this meeting will be held before or after the General Conferences or the General Chapters of the Institute, thus maintaining the indetermination that already existed between the participants of the 1st European Meeting at Alcala de Henares, which will allow for a better adaptation to the circumstances.


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