2007-01-16 ARGENTINA

Marist Province of Cruz del Sur

On the 8th January, the fourth annual retreat of the brothers finished at ?Villa Mariste? in Mar de Plata (Argentina). Brother Josep María Soteras from the Province of L?Hermitage was the animator.
At the closing Mass there was our Brother Charles Adrián Urrutia Núñez, who had just finished his novitiate at Cochabamba (Bolivia). And also the sub-master of novices ?Chema? Custodi.

With the presence of numerous brothers we were able to celebrate the joy of the Consecration of ?Carli? to the Lord Jesus. Also present were his parents and brothers and many other members of his family. We all joyfully received him as our confrère in the work of announcing the Kingdom from the charism of Marcellin. Brother Demetrio, after having greeted the many young people and friends who accompanied the renewals and the First Profession, stressed the meaning of religious consecration and of the religious vows; then Carlos, commenting on the readings, spoke about Mary?s vocation faced with her acceptance of the will of God.

May the Lord of Glory, he who calls us to his service, strengthen him and encourage him to continue to journey along the path he has taken. Thank you Carli for your generous gift, thank you Mary because you continue to accompany the consecration of our young brothers.

At this ceremony, Brothers Jorge Arraztoa, Juan José Bernal, Pedro Chileno and Jorge Walder renewed their temporary vows. During the preceding retreat, Brother Diego Santiago renewed his vows. In the District of Paraguay, Brothers Luís Fernando Vega, Martien Flecha, Cesar Borja and Maximal Benitez renewed their vows during this month.

Our young brothers in temporary vows encourage us to renew out commitment of fidelity and to always keep our hearts young and simple for the Kingdom.

Brother Eduardo.


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