2006-04-24 BRAZIL

All together in one same direction

From the 23rd to the 25th March, the first meeting for 2006 of community superiors and local economes took place in Brasilia. About forty brothers represented twenty-eight communities from the Province of Brasil Centro-Norte with Brother Claudino Falchetto, the Provincial and his five Councillors.

The order of the day planned important subjects for the apostolic vitality of the Province and especially for the life of the religious communities. The Brother Provincial introduced the dynamic of the meeting by a reflection on leadership in religious life focussing on the biblical figure of Moses. We also took the time to listen to the Councillors responsible for the management of solidarity and of the Spirituality Commission. The presentation of work planned for the Marist International Mission Assembly was very important for the participants as well as the presentation of a strategic plan for the Province.

Mutual acceptance was apparent during the entire meeting and allowed the brothers to develop fraternal relationships in open dialogue to speak about administrative aspects that have their importance in energising the Province.

Once more the brothers reaffirmed their disposition to journey, according to the slogan of the three-year period of office, ?all together in one same direction? for the mission that they have received to modernise the heart and charism of Marcellin in the whole Province. This will help them to create a space for life and creation for all, especially the children and young people who are poor.


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