2005-08-31 GENERAL HOUSE

Brother Antonio Martínez Estaún replaces Brother Onorino Rota

Brother Superior General and his Council have appointed Brother Antonio Martínez Estaún as Director of Communications for a period of three years which starts on the 1st September 2005.

Brother Antonio Martínez Estaún was born in Villayuda (Burgos), Spain, in 1940 and belongs to the Province of L?Hermitage. His Marist formation was in Santa María de Bellpuig de les Avellanes, he studied in the Instituto Jesús Magister in Rome and was Master of Novices in the Province of Catalonia. He started the Easter celebrations for young people at les Avellanes, was responsible for Youth Ministry in the Province of Catalonia, has written various texts on Religion and has been a teacher of Religion and Philosophy in various schools. In 1993, he moved to Loja (Ecuador) to teach in the Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja where he was, for five years, Ministry Co-ordinator in the University and after this he was responsible for Province ministry in the Province of Ecuador before restructuring. In 2003 he moved to the Universidad Marista de México where was entrusted with the role of co-ordinating the formation of teachers.

Brother Antonio Martínez Estaún is replacing Brother Onorino Rota as Director of Communications. Brother Onorino has fulfilled this role with great dedication and effort – at the same time he has been the Superior of the General Administration community and a member of various management bodies of official organisations. He has thus continued the initial efforts of Brother Luis Serra in this service to the brothers and laypeople of the entire Institute.

The Director of Communications ([email protected]) is a service created during the mandate of Brother Benito Arbués to communicate the programme, reflection, orientations and actions of animation and of government of the Brother Superior General and his Council. This is done through various publications: FMS Message, FMS Marist Echo, FMS Marist Notebooks; and by various electronic publications: FMS Update, FMS Marist Bulletin and the overall supervision of the Marist website.


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