2005-08-03 CANADA

Day for dreaming in the forest

The Marist Vocation Year committee for the Province of Canada wanted to bring the general theme, ?MARCELLIN?S DREAM, LIVE IT TODAY!?, up-to-date and contextualise it by proposing a pilgrimage in an immense nature sanctuary with the slogan ?Day For Dreaming In The Forest!?

On the morning of the 2nd July, the pilgrims, more than forty young people, adolescents and adults, some of whom are going to the World Youth Day in Cologne, were ready for the great ?MARCH FOR FAITH?, on the mountainous tracks of Marist Camp Rawdon, Quebec. The journey was punctuated with several stops on the lakesides or on the rock cliffs, leading the pilgrims to reflect, to pray and to sing their dreams for a better world in an enchanting atmosphere favourable for contemplation and silence.

All of Jesus? dream can be summed in the words ?to realise that God loves us with the immensity of his love?. Mary?s dream is to want to be totally at the service of the realisation of God?s dream.
Marcellin?s dream is to want to communicate passionately this love that God has for children and young people.
A Christian?s dream, a good Marist?s dream is to bring our dreams of service and sharing, of love and of justice, to their fulfilment in following Jesus as Mary did and in the footprints of Marcellin.

Seeing all the young people, totally open to and at one with ?Marcellin?s dream?, gives reasons to believe in a young generation eager to find the spiritual and meaningfulness in their lives. Following the great walker and pilgrim who Marcellin was, these young people have ?marched for faith? so that this experience of dreaming in the forest would ?awaken? them to their reality as pilgrims in a world in constant need of salvation, peace and love.

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