2005-07-16 CHILE

Programme: Zero Indifference

In June, the Marist solidarity foundation, Gesta Fundación Marista por la Solidaridad de Chile (www.fundaciongesta.cl), launched the programme ?Zero Indifference? aimed at promoting solidarity initiatives for micro-projects undertaken by Marist secondary students in Chile. The programme includes a competition fund and an accompaniment plan for the students? micro-projects.
The objective of Zero Indifference is to promote innovative and useful social action by Marist students and to make them more socially aware. The projects can be of any nature, provided that they include solidarity action such as holiday camps, school support, help for the sick, etc. They serve very poor students or adults, people in desperate situations, to only mention a few examples.
Zero Indifference will fund the better projects according to the clarity of their objectives, the coherence of the project, the support of people of the College, the cohesion in the group, etc. A jury composed of Marist Brothers and members of Gesta will determine the criteria for selection. The maximum contribution per project will be 300,000 pesos, equivalent to a little more than 500 US dollars.


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