2005-07-02 SPAIN

When children are happy Marcellin is present

During the afternoon of Sunday, 19th June about one hundred children and adolescents from Escuela Maristes Champagnat (a Marist school) lived out their dream: presenting the life of Marcellin. The Salesian theatre was filled with parents, family and friends who enjoyed a number of scenes with a lot of music and creative choreography that taught us the life of the Founder of the Marist Brothers, his love of children and his audacity in starting the Marist Family. The end of the presentation brought the audience back to the present day by connecting what had been represented to the life of the Marist Brothers in Badalona in their educational work that they carry out with their lay co-workers.
Everyone agreed that the sacrifice and many rehearsals were worth every minute, ending in a very good result. Being able to be an actor in this work was a dream-come-true for many of the students, some of whom were only three years old.
At the end, the audience applauded the young actors very enthusiastically and they thanked the whole group of teachers and mothers who, co-ordinated by Brother Ismael Valls, prepared this festival.
To be Champagnat today! The dream lives! … Someone from heaven smiled and enjoyed all of this… for it is when the children and young people are happy that Marcellin becomes present and helps us!


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