2024-06-13 GENERAL HOUSE

1st Marist International Meeting on Communication and Marketing

General House, October 29 to November 1st, 2024

The Communication Department of the General House, supported by the General Councillors, Brothers Sylvain Ramandimbiarisoa and João Carlos do Prado, will hold the 1st Marist International Meeting on Communication and Marketing from October 29 to November 1st, 2024, at the General House in Rome. This meeting is aimed at the directors or those responsible for the communication and marketing departments or services of each of the Administrative Units and Regions of the Marist Institute.

The purpose of the meeting is to:

  • Reflect and deepen the knowledge of the Institute as a Global Marist Family and its implications in the Administrative Units and Regions.
  • To reflect on communication and marketing in religious institutions in the context of today’s society and Church.
  • Support each other in the acquisition of knowledge and tools to make the communication and marketing processes more effective.
  • Collaboratively build a common vision and direction for Institute-wide communication and marketing.
  • Create a culture of networking among those responsible for communication and marketing processes in the UAs and Regions.

Specific sessions for communicators from Africa and Asia will be held on October 28 and November 2.


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