2016-11-07 SPAIN

200 and +? On the way to a new beginning

The general council and the provincial councils of Europe gathered under the theme ‘Being brothers today: an account of grace’ from Oct. 31 – Nov. 3 in Guardamar, Spain.

During these four days of the general council, members of the five provincial councils of the Marist Europe in Guardamar gathered and shared the joy of ‘Being Brothers Today,’ reflecting on the Vatican document ‘Identity and Mission of the Religious Brother in the Church.’ Participants used the text of the document when praying and in different moments. It helped to manifest together that they need to be signs of communion as brothers in the European reality and incarnate the values of fraternity, spirituality and mission in the place where they find themselves. 

Members of the general council informed of the Institute’s ongoing projects that at the next general chapter. 

They were presented as exciting plans and generators of life at the beginning of the third Marist centenary. We feel that these projects will give them new life: imp


Involved in the renewal of constitutions, the launching of new international communities, new models of organisation,… They have been very enrichening days to imbue us with these projects and then transmit them in our provinces to brothers and lay people. 


We finished with the feeling that we are Brothers of Europe for the world: brothers and laity passionate for the Marist charism and willing to develop and enrich it


Also to feel committed in making a more vital mission and with adequate structures for the current moment. Europe is on the way to a new beginning with exciting projects like the new international community in Sicily and on the path towards a more consolidated structure as a region. We see a future perhaps with less brothers (we hope that this changes with the new beginning), but with more Marists and more life.

The fact that these days coincided with the liturgical feasts of All Saints on November 1 and All Souls' Day on November 2, gave us the opportunity to celebrate the gift of the past, the life of many Marists who have built the 200 years of Marist life.


We finished our meeting with an encounter and a Mass at the Marist College of Alicante where members of the extended council, brothers of nearby communities and members of the school’s educational community took part in the bicentenary celebration. It was a beautiful ending to give thanks along with many people who feel Marist because of the gift of feeling part of the Marist family, because of the enthusiasm of converting Marcellin’s dream in one’s own dream and make the Champagnat charism come alive. 


We see a hopeful future for Marist Europe, we feel we are beginning the third centenary of Marist life in Europe and we feel we are already on the way to a new beginning.



Brother Máximo Blanco

Provincial councillor of Compostela


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