2013-10-28 SPAIN

7 and 8 October 2013, Saragossa

The II International Meeting of Marist Publishing Houses was held in the city of Saragossa, Spain, on 7 and 8 October, with the participation of representatives of 6 publishers: Editorial CHAMPAGNAT, Editorial FTD and Editorial EDIPUCRS from Brasil; Editorial PROGRESO of Mexico; Editorial GRAM from Argentina and Editorial EDELVIVES of Spain. Also present were the Provincials Br Ambrosio Alonso of the Province of Ibérica and Br Oscar Martín Vicario of Compostela. Brs João Carlos do Prado and Miguel Ángel Espinosa Barrera represented the Secretariat of Mission.

The meeting was held in the Palace of Aljafería, constructed in the middle of the XI century and declared a patrimony of humanity in 2001 by UNESCO. At present it is the seat of the Court of Aragón.

Called under the title of “Network of Ideas”, it continued the strengthening of the Network of Marist Publishers, beginning with a conference of the Maestro, Ewan Macintosh, which opened horizons in the way of looking at education, and invited the generation of creative tools to allow the student to tell his own story, in developing curiosity, the capacity for listening and the humility to learn, developing integral processes of learning for life.  There was also a sharing of the journey of the last two years, and the experiences of success or innovation the publishing houses have had. 

The following day, the work focused on three topics: social networks, networks of technology and networks of images, on which agreements can be made and mechanisms created for working together until the next meeting in 2016.

The meeting approved the creation and the statutes of the “International Marist Network of Publishers” and assumed responsibility for studying the proposal of the philosophy of the Network for the next meeting. It appointed the Editorial GRAM, of Argentina, as the party responsible for organizing the III Assembly of the Network, Br Agustín Martínez Marcos remaining as president of the same.

The ambiance of the group was of a high quality, thanks to the detailed work and foresight of the EDELVIVES hosts, thanks to whom the experience was productive, leaving the way open for the transformation of the publishing realities.

I meeting – General House 2012


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