2007-03-01 GENERAL HOUSE

A global vision of formation

From 19-23 February a meeting was held at the General House for formators of Post-Novitiate stage1. The objectives of the meeting were clear. To create a forum in which:
1. can be shared the diversity of Scholasticate programs that exist across the Institute.
2. we can gain insight into the stages of formation that precede yours, as well as clarity about the continuation of formation into Post-Novitiate Stage 2.
3. the specific concerns of the General Council in relation to the Scholasticate stage of formation can be presented and discussed.
4. there can be a deep reflection on the issue of the development of Marist identity in our young Brothers.
5. the use and value of the Formation Guide can be assessed.

Those objectives were addressed during the four days meeting. Brother Seán gave a strong push in objective 4 sharing with the participants ways leading to a deeper understanding of the identity of our Young Brothers. All those objectives could be summarized in one present in the minds of those attending a meeting: to find a common vision of formation at that stage within a great cultural variety of the Institute. Important it was to reach some ?non-negotiable? points going beyond any cultural aspects: without them there is marist formation whatever culture we may be living.

Following a very much squeezed schedule the participants shared among themselves their sentiments, the strengths and the challenges of formation at that stage. The sharing was very frank, stimulating and open.

Looking at their evaluation, and thinking of limitations of time we may affirm that a positive and useful exchange of ideas on the different objectives was achieved. According to their own words they go back enriched, strengthened in their ideal as formators and ready to promote some initiatives. They found so positive the meeting that among their 10 suggestions we find:

? To have similar meetings for master of novices, postulants and Post-Novitiate 2 brothers.
? To have such a meeting of Post-Novitiate 1 formators every two years.
? To think again of a course for formators and vocational animators.

With all this effort coming from the General Council, with God?s grace and Mary?s presence among us, with the good determination of our formators at that stage we all hope, in the future, a greater perseverance among our Young Brothers capable of centering their lives more and more in Christ who loves us.


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