2017-02-09 EL SALVADOR

A new beginning. A new experience?

The community of Santa Ana in El Salvador is comprised of three Marist brothers and two young lay Marists.  

The beginning dates back to the beginning of the Institute, on Jan. 2, 1817, when Marcellin invited two young people to live an unprecedented and exciting project. Also, today we feel intimately united to that moment with the presence of two lay young people who live for the Marist life, whom we have invited to live in the community.

Before their arrival we lived a process of preparation: meeting with the youth, with their families, as well as opening our hearts of brothers to live a new experience with them. The brothers know that we will have to be flexible in schedules and in behaviour, in certain taste and projects, in work and mission, as Father Champagnat did. And the important thing is to be family, to share life, spirit and mission. We already experienced with excitement the realization of our Community Project, our first community walk to the seashore, and our first community meetings.

These are the testimonies of the two young men.

Steven Dueñas, aged 19, third year of architecture in the University of El Salvador: 

“This short time that I have been able to be a member of the community of the Liceo San Luis, has been a pleasant experience, and I have felt very comfortable and included in the community.
Something different from what I usually live, that has helped me to focus on myself and on Jesus through community prayer.  From each of the brothers I learned something new, experiences, sharing life, advice and stories … Now I understand the value of having a family, the fact of being a little far away from them … and when I am with them I enjoy it and live as one real family.”


Harold Cruz, aged 19, student of Industrial engineer, third year, in the Catholic University of El Salvador: 

“I definitely feel that there is a new beginning in my life, both spiritually and personally, and that this year shows me a path of maturity that I am willing to continue to walk, it has almost been a month since I have begun to notice changes for my own good. Sharing life with the brothers helps me to understand more about what it means to be a Marist and what that charism which Champagnat left us is about. This is just the beginning of the experience and I am excited to think of everything that is going to come in this remaining time, a future in which God is present.”

As brothers, we also have a say in this new beginning, in this new experience. It certainly is and will also be something that helps us to be better Marists, to respond to God with greater generosity, like Mary, to be more attentive and open to young people today, to transmit the charism inherited and enriched by the history of so many Marists, both Brothers and lay people alike.

Alberto Ricica, fms


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