2019-02-25 CANADA

A new beginning in Château-Richer

The Marist Brothers of the community Mont Champagnat, in Quebec, Canada, since September 2018, live in a lay residence.  The Marist property where they lived – belonging to the Province since 1953 – became a lay dominion after being sold in August 2016 to the Group La Vie est Belle.

Today, the other Marist House of Chateau-Richer has become a Residence for retired Marist Brothers and Laity.

Brother Gaston Robert, who during seven years was Superior at the service of the community, followed all the work until the Project of Mont Champagant was completely carried out, which now   accommodates the Brothers in Châtaeu-Richer.

“The community of the Marist Brothers knew how to choose, with discernment, the correct person to carry out this transfer of the House Chataeu-Richer to the lay world”. Were the words of Mr. Réjean Bouchard, one of the new owners, when finishing the enlargement and the work in 2018.

The group LVB has been named Finalist of the 36th annual Show or Event of FIDEIDES, for the realization of the Residence Mont-Champagnat.  

In the decade of the 50’s, the house of Mont-Champagnat was constructed with the intention of establishing there a Center for rest and care of the elderly and sick Brothers.

In the following link, it is possible to load down, and read in French, the history of the process: https://goo.gl/hTe5So.




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