2010-09-15 MEXICO

A new CEPAM course

From July 8-29, 2010, 8 Brothers and 3 laymen met as a group of Champagnat Marists to study our Marist Spiritual Patrimony. The group?s members coming from Brazil, Colombia, Guatemala and Mexico met in Cepam at Loma Bonita (Guadalajara, Mexico). They devoted themselves to the study of Cycle A of the Normal Course of Cepam which consisted of a detailed study of the Letters of, to and about Marcellin during the period of 1823-1836. The method used was the workshop, interactive style. Cepam started this study in 1989 because it was necessary to implement the Project ?Approaching/Drawing Near to the Sources?. This project, whose name seems a linguistic blunder, hides a noble proposal: ?Since it is not possible to bring all the Brothers and Marist laymen and women to the sources then let us bring the sources to them all.? The coming close to the sources is made possible through the faithful transcription of the documents, in bilingual form, which allows us to enjoy the original and faithful translation of the original documents.In the photograph you will find in the first row from left to right: Omar Alfredo Pena, Carlos Saulo Corzo, Aureliano Brambila, Edy Manuel Pacheco, Sergio Luis Schons. In the second row, from left to right: Nelson Cardona, Leonel Ramirez, Educardo Armenta, Marcelo Bonhemberger, Ricardo Chinchilla, and Vincius Domingos Tenedini.__________________Br. James McKnight


History of the Marist Social Centres...


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