2005-09-19 COLOMBIA

A workshop to launch into a new process

Due to Remar being twenty-five years old in Latin America, a new process of refoundation has been undertaken to have a ministry proposal that is more in touch with the situation of youth today.
Thus in July, the second workshop for helmsmen was held in Cali in our Champagnat House. This workshop was organised to shed light on the new process and to continue working with those directly responsible for the Remar network in Columbia. There were forty-seven people from all the different Marist presences in Columbia who came together to work intensely for five days on this proposal of refoundation.
The workshop centred on deepening the understanding of the documents of problematic situations, and the aspirations and reality of youth today so as to launch the new process with themes and experiences for the young people in the three crossings and the first stage of the second phase of Remar that is directed at young people already at university or at work. They were exhausting days of study, production and plenary group sessions in a work that continues to fulfil great expectations of bringing the Gospel to each person involved in Remar.
May Mary, Star of the Sea, direct our rowing! May you have favourable winds and smooth sailing!


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I feel very much at ease and happy to be able...