2005-07-06 COSTA RICA

An experience ?that knows no bounds?

In the Marist school of Alajuela (Costa Rica) a musical, ?A Heart That Knows No Bounds?, presents the Marist charism at the dawn of this new century. It is an original work of the Argentinean, Manuel González Gil, who has already written another musical about Saint Marcellin Champagnat.
The musical had first been presented by the group ?Catarsis?, with its première at Buenos Aires, followed by its presentation in Argentina and Chile. The adaptation of the musical for Costa Rica was the fruit of a collective creation, in which all the actors were involved, and its realisation has been an important part of the celebrations of the Marist Vocation Year.
The work, with its rich content and strong message, represented for the actors (the older students of the Marist school) a very gratifying and enriching experience. It was also a truly Marist experience to be better immersed in the values and dream of Saint Marcellin. The musical has been presented to all the students and parents connected with the school.
Before a world whose values change with the wind, a world nearly without a soul, Saint Marcellin tells us that hope is still possible, because dreams are possible, that nothing is definite unless love is at the centre giving it meaning. Today, at the start of the 21st century, this love passes on through solidarity, that is to say, by the capacity to feel and be one with another, and this demands ?a heart that knows no bounds?. Saint Marcellin?s dream is possible today if each one of us wants it to be realised and decides to be part of it.
The satisfaction of having carried the message of solidarity and love, left to us by Father Champagnat, in a special and totally innovative way, through theatre and music, has been mixed with a time of enjoyable work, sacrifices and interminable rehearsals that have led to the strengthening of the bonds of friendship between those who were directly involved in this work.


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